Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog 3

Weinberger says, "Reality is multifaceted. There are a lot of ways to slice it. How we choose to slice it up depends on why we're slicing it up." Go back to the thing you described organizing on Tuedsay's blog. How might someone else organize this item? What does how YOU organize it say about what you value and who you are?

The digital media libraries of students these days are becoming somewhat astronomical, compared to libraries 5 years ago. We are collecting so much information from all different sources, whether it be music blogs, video clips, or movies. So how do we go about storing this information?

I personally have over 500 GB of just random "stuff" on my external hard drive, some of which I don't believe I've touched in over 3 years. But I do seem to have a very odd way of organizing my materials. As I was scrolling through my collection, I notices that I have everything sorted out by genre. My movies, music, even class work seems to all fall into some general category. While this may work for me, it could prove to be a disaster for others looking for certain material.

Someone else might organize such a library to be a bit easier to use. For example, alphabetizing their music albums or artists, or by last item used or downloaded. My download folder is set to list items as they are downloaded just because I am able to remember it better mentally. I guess it is up to each indiviual about how they might go about organizing their libraries.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting example, I wonder if you also find you search for information in a similar way (that is, by genre?) Or is this mostly something you do when organizing info, not necessarily when looking for it?
